
First Impressions of the Rollei A110

Rollei A110
The Rollei A110 is a small, solid, over-engineered 110 camera that is a lot of fun to shoot. It’s compact size and sliding action film-advance will bring out your inner spy. It’s hard not to feel like a covert agent with this camera. Advertised by Rollei as the smallest and most expensive instant-loading camera for […]
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Bromide Drag

bromide drag
These strange concentric circles that appear in the first two photos are the result of bromide drag and it’s a byproduct of developing film with little or no agitation, such as when using semi-stand or stand development. Bromide drag occurs during development when bromide builds up around the sprocket holes of the film and then […]
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Union Cemetery, Calgary
I like to experiment. Some experiments happen on a whim (“I wonder what would happen if I…”) and some experiments are methodically planned and executed. Given my busy schedule, the latter can sometimes take a few years. These photos represent two experiments: one a whim and the other planned. The First Experiment (the Whim) The […]
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My Top 3 Film Cameras of 2022

Top 3 Cameras of 2022
Taking inspiration from Keith Devereux, I decided to crash the party too. A group of film photography bloggers have all shared a post about the three cameras they used most in 2022. And so, here is my take on that theme. The three cameras mentioned below took centre stage for me and held all my […]
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