A few years ago, I was lucky enough to acquire four rolls of 35mm film containing Fuji motion picture film stocks that were left over from shooting movies. Fuji stopped manufacturing motion picture film in March 2013, so it is now quite rare to come across any of this film in 35mm. Over the past year, I have shot all four rolls and recently developed them in ECN-2 chemistry. I will begin posting the photos from these rolls over the next few weeks, but for now here are the film rolls themselves.
Fuji Eterna Vivid 160T featured higher color saturation and contrast than the regular Eterna film line. This film was hand-rolled by the now defunct QWD (Quiet We’re Dreaming).

Fuji Eterna 400T featured natural colors and enhanced shadow detail. This film was hand-rolled by Nik & Trick, and while they no longer have any Fuji color motion picture film available, they do often sell unique film stocks.

Fuji F-64D was from Fuji’s older Super F series of motion picture films and featured rich greens, blues and yellows, as well as fine grain structure and sharpness. This film was also hand-rolled by Nik & Trick.

The last of the Nik & Trick hand-rolled film, Fuji Eterna 250D featured enhanced latitude and superb sharpness.