This is my first roll through the Zeiss Ikon Signal Nettar 518/16 and I’m impressed! Until I bought this camera, I didn’t think folding cameras were anything special, but I was wrong. The Signal Nettar features a sharp lens, is easy to use, and was a lot of fun to shoot. The Signal Nettar is […]
These photos are from the Tudor Garden found at Hamilton Gardens in New Zealand. This garden features mythical beasts holding shields and flags sitting atop green and white striped poles amidst a knot garden. Each of the flags features a Tudor rose, while each shield bears the coat of arms associated with the historical figure […]
These photos are from the Historic Village in Tauranga, New Zealand. It’s not as cool as Calgary’s Heritage Park, but it was still interesting to visit.
I photographed these large flower displays in the shape of animals at the Calgary Zoo last year. There’s a crow sitting atop the giraffe’s head in the last photo.
These photos are from a walk through the wetlands at Pearce Estate Park and were shot on Kodak Vision3 200T (5213). As much as I love Kodak’s Vision3 films, I hate dealing with remjet. It can be a pain to remove it and ensure that it is all gone. To the naked eye, it may […]
The Rollei A110 is a small, solid, over-engineered 110 camera that is a lot of fun to shoot. It’s compact size and sliding action film-advance will bring out your inner spy. It’s hard not to feel like a covert agent with this camera. Advertised by Rollei as the smallest and most expensive instant-loading camera for […]
This photo of Stoney Trail passing over the western end of Bowness Park was shot on Kodak Vision3 250D (5207) hand-rolled by Whatevergraphy from 65mm stock. Since 65mm motion picture film has sprockets and is wider than 120 roll film, trimming the film down to fit 120 does not remove the sprockets. I chose to […]
A few years ago, I was lucky enough to acquire four rolls of 35mm film containing Fuji motion picture film stocks that were left over from shooting movies. Fuji stopped manufacturing motion picture film in March 2013, so it is now quite rare to come across any of this film in 35mm. Over the past […]
These photos of flowers are from the Auckland Domain Wintergardens. I had a great time shooting these flowers, but the Olympus Pen EED was not up to the task. The combination of an overcast day and an auto exposure camera that often chose a slow shutter speed meant that many of these photos are not […]
Here are a few photos shot at the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary. Sadly, there are no birds in the photos, but you can see the historic home of Colonel James Walker in the background.
One of the only cool things about the Diana Baby 110 camera is that it has a PC Sync port on the top. So, naturally, I connected it to my studio strobes and shot some portraits.
Here are more photos from Hamilton Gardens in New Zealand, this time from the Indian Char Bagh Garden. The last photo suffers from “light piping” — a phenomenon where the film leader sucks in light pre-exposing the film. I just love the way it rendered the photo giving the ceiling an orange glow.
This is the Ancient Egyptian Garden at Hamilton Gardens. If I hadn’t taken any photographs, I would have completely forgotten about the plants. I was comletely mesmerized by the grandeur of the hieroglyphic covered walls!
When Sarah took me to Hamilton Gardens, I wasn’t expecting much. It is easy to assume that a garden is strictly about flowers and plants. Boy, was I wrong! It is also about the architecture and design of a garden. While I absolutely loved the Italian Renaissance Garden, the Ancient Egyptian Garden also captivated my […]
This is Baoguo Temple, a Buddhist temple whose origins date back to the 16th century. It is located on Mount Emei, near Emeishan City. Sarah and I spent a few nights here when we toured China. It was one of the highlights of the trip. Staying at a Buddhist temple was a unique experience. As […]